Keys to manufacturing management:
Building and validating new manufacturing theories
天坂格郎(青山学院大学, 教授)
Kakuro Amasaka (Aoyama Gakuin University, Professor)
伊藤宗彦 (神戸大学, 教授)
Munehiko Itoh (Kobe University, Professor)
要 旨:
そこで特別セッション (1)では、ものづくりのドライビングフォースである「開発・生産の高品質保証―製品設計と未然防止」に焦点をあてる。さらに特別セッション (2)では、ものづくりの中心課題である「サプラー・チェーン・マネジメント」に焦点をあてる。特に、タイ、インドネシアなどで行われている、共通プラットフォーム化による生産性向上に着目する。
The environment surrounding management technology is rapidly changing. For the Japanese manufacturing industry to survive in the world market, it will be necessary to boldly take up the challenge to lead other companies in offering the latest highly-reliable products that boost customer value.
As evidenced by the repeated widespread recalls that have plagued leading Japanese companies in recent years, problems with reliability (particularly in the design and development process) are red flags pointing to a lack of the global quality assurance technologies that are the key to scientific quality management.
The purpose of this session is to underline the importance of systematizing the keys to manufacturing management from a global perspective―one of the underlying principles behind the establishment of JOMSA―as we lay the academic and scientific foundations for the building of a comprehensive theory that can rightly be called “a new theory of monozukuri” originating from Japan. It is hoped that this will allow us to make a solid contribution to the industry as a frontrunner in twenty-first century manufacturing.
The focus of Special Session (1) is the driving force behind monozukuri manufacturing practices; namely, assuring high quality in development and production through product design and fault prevention. The focus of Special Session (2) is focused on the SCM: Supply Chain Management that is a central issue of the monozukuri manufacturing. Particularly, Platform Sharing Manufacturing in ASEAN countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, is discussed for improving productivity.
In adopting these themes, we are aiming to exchange knowledge and information on research, education, and practical application by having industry and academia work together in conducting academic research on essential monozukuri-related technologies, as well as enabling operation from the global perspective.
JOMSA Special Session(1)
Title : Assuring high quality in development and production:
Product design and fault prevention
司会:天坂格郎 (青山学院大学, 教授)
Chair:Kakuro Amasaka (Aoyama Gakuin University, Professor and Doctor)
Presentation 1:High reliability in new product development: Design reviews and risk management
畠中伸敏(東京情報大学, 教授)
Nobutoshi Hatanaka (Tokyo University of Information Sciences, Professor and Doctor)
Presentation 2:Process innovation in development and production: Front-loading and management
影山敏一(富士ゼロックス, 部長)
Toshikazu Kageyama (Fuji Xerox Corporation, General Manager)
Presentation 3: New Global Production System: The Intelligent Production Operating System
Kakuro Amasaka |
Nobutoshi Hatanaka |
Toshikazu Kageyama |
forthcoming |
Looking at the recent recall problems, we see a rapidly increasing number of reliability issues with their roots in technological development and product design evaluations. If we are to turn the tide, we cannot be content with simply resolving individual technical issues. Instead, we must create core technologies that result in the overhaul of every business process from development and production to sales and service, and establish and systematically apply a new management technology model that intelligently links them together.
In this session, we focus on assuring high quality in development and production through product design and fault prevention. This idea is considered from the perspective of building and validating new manufacturing theories that will serve as the keys to manufacturing management. More specifically, we will cover optimized product design and optimized production management technologies that enable as general solutions the intelligent sharing of information and creation of cutting-edge technologies.
In doing so, we will work from the standpoint of ultra-short development periods and production process reform as we attain a better grasp of how to simultaneously achieve quality, cost, and delivery (QCD) goals through front-loading that creates total linkages throughout development and production, as well as intelligent operation of numerical simulation tools (CAE and CAD) that offer predictive technology solutions which contribute to stronger design reviews and risk management.
JOMSA Special Session(2)
Title : The supply chain management of automobile industry in ASEAN
司会: 伊藤宗彦 (神戸大学, 教授)
Chair: Munehiko Itoh (Kobe University, Professor)
Presentation 1: The characteristic of automobile manufacturing in ASEAN
朴泰勲(大阪市立大学, 教授)
Park Taehoon (Osaka City University, Professor)
Presentation 2: The role of local component supplier in ASEAN
加藤厚海(広島大学, 准教授)
Atsumi Kato (Hiroshima University, Associate Professor)
Presentation 3: The characteristic of automobile supply chain in ASEAN
下野由貴(名古屋市立大学, 准教授)
Shimono Yoshitaka (Nagoya City University, Associate Professor)
Munehiko Itoh |
Park Taehoon |
Atsumi Kato |
Shimono Yoshitaka |
The objectives of this session are closely related-- to examine the construction pattern of the supply chain of automobiles in ASEAN whose development has been remarkable, and its effective management there. Specifically, by focusing on the business relationships in the supply chain in the automobile industry, we are conducting our examination from the three perspectives given below: (1) To shed light not only on the production aspect, but also on the collaborations in the supply chain from the perspective of sales and service; (2) to shed light on the localization process of the supply chain; (3) to elucidate the trading practices within the supply chain. Currently, the expansion of ASEAN automobile market is producing major changes in the supply chain construction of automobile companies, including Japanese companies. Based on the results of the survey on the supply chain of the automobile industry in Thailand and Indonesia, the major automobile-producing countries even among ASEAN, we are conducting more in-depth discussions on the management in those countries.