Special Session

演題:ZARA と Camper のオペレーション
Title: Management at ZARA and Camper

ホセ A. D. マチュカ(セビリア大学)
Jose A. D. Machuca (University of Sevilla)
Title 1: ZARA : What's behind its success story

南 知惠子(神戸大学大学院経営学研究科 教授)
Chieko Minami (Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University, Professor)
Title 2: Design Driven Service Operations Management: Case of Camper

ZARA : What's behind its success story

ホセ A. D. マチュカ
Jose A. D. Machuca

ZARA : What's behind its success story
Presenter: Jose´ A. D. Machuca (University of Seville)
Authors: Ferdows K., Machuca J.A.D., and Lewis M.A.
Zara, and its parent company Inditex, are the subject of intense curiosity. By all measures it is a phenomenal success story. Sales, with Zara still accounting for almost two-thirds, had grown from ?3.25 billion in 2001 to almost ?16 billion in 2012, making it the largest apparel company (by sales) in the world. Its profits had grown at an even faster rate. The number of stores translated into an average rate of more than one new store opening every working day, many of them in upscale locations such as Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Champs-Elysees in Paris, Ginza in Tokyo, and West Nanjing Road in Shanghai or Pitt Street in Sidney.
How did a company with humble beginnings in La Coruna, a small city in the far north-west of Spain, become the world’s largest apparel company, employing 128,000 people? How could its founder, Mr. Amancio Ortega, who had started his first business in the early 1960’s with 5000 pesetas (?30), have become the richest man in Europe and third richest man in the world, according to the Forbes magazine 2013 rich list? How could it continue its remarkable growth unabated, even during the post 2008 economic crisis? Had Inditex discovered something that its powerful and indisputably competent peers, celebrated firms like Gap, H&M and Benetton, had missed?

Dr. Jose A. D. Machuca is full professor of Operations Management of University of Seville (Spain) since 1982. His major research areas cover Production and Operations Management and System Dynamics. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for academic journals such as Journal of Operations Management (JOM); International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM) ;Japanese Management and International StudiesOperations Management Research: Advancing Practice through Theory (OMR, Regional Editor for Southern Europe:), and Editorial Review Board of Journal of Production and Operations Management (POM), International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM) and Journal of Operations Management and Strategy (JOMS). He is also Coordinator of the European Thematic Network for the Excellence in Operations and Supply Chain Management Education, Research and Practice (THENEXOM), sponsored by EurOMA and approved by the European Commission.
Author/coauthor of 8 books and editor/coeditor of 9 Journal Special Issues, more than 50 articles and 60 book chapters. He has published in journals such as: JOM, POM, IJOPM, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Production Research, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Service Management, Transportation Research and System Dynamics Review. Current research interests in Supply Chain Management, Service Operations Management, Business Simulation and Teaching Innovation.
He has been awarded many prizes such as:
- 2001 Wikham Skinner Award honoring Teaching innovation achievements (POMS).
- 2009 Andalusian Ibn Al Jatib Award for Outstanding Research Career in Social Sciences.
- 2009 FAME-University of Seville Award for Outstanding Acdemic Career in Social Sciences.
- Outstanding Professor (University of Sevilla).


南 知惠子
Chieko Minami
本研究は、スペインのシューズ・ブランド、カンペールの 事例分析を通じて、製品と店舗でのデザイン志向が小売り サービスのオペレーションズ・マネジメントを駆動するこ とを明らかにする。
製造小売りという垂直統合型のビジネスでは、製造面に おける管理と小売りというサービス・オペレーションとの 管理において、生産性向上のためには、調達・製造・供給 における規模拡大と標準化の程度を高めていくことが通常 想定される。しかしながら、本研究の発見物として、製品 の企画・製造面および店舗での商品政策は標準化の程度が 高いが、店舗オペレーションは、インショップと、外部ク リエイターとのコラボレーションによる路面店では異なり、戦略的に別機能を持つことが明らかになった。製品と店舗におけるデザイン志向が、オペレーションズ・マネジメ ントにおいて方向性を決定し、生産性志向に依らない管理 手法への影響要因が見られることが主張される。

This research aims to clarify a new factor which is able to drive innovative service operations management. The case study of the Spanish shoe brand, "Capmer", shows that design orientation is a driver to provide an effective and efficient service operations management. Vertically integrated manufacturers who want to expand their scale of operations also retail their merchandise, and hence require operations management in both production and retail services. In the pursuit of productivity, firms usually attempt to improve the degree of standardization in sourcing, production, and distribution. However, the study indicates that the degree of standardization is low in store development and design management but high in service operations, because of employee training. The shoe company develops products based on its traditional design concept lines and has a standardization policy for merchandising and service delivery at its stores. However, shop- in-shop formats and the “Together” shops, in collaboration with designers or architects, have different styles of operations management with the latter functioning as a communication tool. Design orientation is a factor driving operations management as well as the other factors such as efficiency and productivity orientation.

神戸大学大学院経営学研究科 教授 博士(商学)
専攻分野 マーケティング論
研究テーマ リレーションシップ・マーケティング、
    BtoB マーケティング、CRM、サービスイノベーション
1984年 神戸大学文学部 卒業
1988年 米国ミシガン州立大学大学院コミュニケーション学科
    修士課程 修了
1993年 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科 博士課程後期課程退学
1993年 横浜市立大学商学部 専任講師を経て助教授
2002年 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科 助教授
2004年 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科 教授
『サービス・イノベーション -新技術導入と価値共創-』(西岡健一との共著)、有斐閣、2014 年 6 月刊行予定
『顧客リレーションシップ戦略』有斐閣、2006 年刊行
『リレーションシップ・マーケティング- 企業間における関係管理と資源移転-』千倉書房、2005 年刊行

“Information Transparency in SME Network Relationships: Evidence from a Japanese Hosiery Firm”, International Journal of Logistics Research and Application ,Vol.15, No. 6, pp. 405-423, 2012 (co-authored with Kenichi Nishioka, John Dawson)
"When the Best Packaging Is No Packaging", International Commerce Review, vol.9. No.1-2, pp.58-65, 2010 (co- authored with Davide Pellegrini, Munehiko Itoh)

Chieko Minami is Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University. After receiving a master’s degree in communication at Michigan State University, she received a doctorate in commerce from Kobe University. Her research interests include relationship marketing, customer relationship management (CRM) and service marketing. Her current area of research is service innovation based on business-to-business relationships.